Level I: Novice
The first level of the PMEP focuses mainly on the basic principles of biotechnology, its applications in agriculture, and issues and concerns. Novice is the general education level and a starting point for all upper proficiency levels across all learning tracks.
Level II: Intermediate
The second level of the PMEP is about the technology and product development pathway in livestock biotechnology with emphasis on the basic scientific foundation, applied research, practices, methods and protocols, as well as existing regulatory policies. Intermediate level is the learning R&D track focused on the specific aspects of livestock biotechnology.
Level III: Advanced
The third level of the PMEP tackles the role of livestock biotechnology in promoting sustainable livestock production. The emphasis is placed upon technologies that play a significant part in improving livestock production traits leading to eventual commercialization. It also includes molecular biology techniques and bioinformatics to complement the biotechnological interventions.
Level IV: Expert
The fourth level of the PMEP is currently under construction.
Level V: Cadre
The fifth level of the PMEP is currently under construction.